Ordinary Parish Council Mtg 02/04/25
The next Ordinary= Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 commencing at 7:15 pm at the Queens' Jubilee Room, Hinstock.
If you would like to put any questions to or raise any queries with the PC you are welcome to submit these to the Clerk prior to the Meeting.
Parish Council meetings are open to the press and public. Fifteen minutes is allocated at the start of every meeting for the public to make representation to the Parish Council. A maximum of 5 minutes is allowed for each person wishing to speak within the allocated time. If multiple people wish to address the Council on the same matter a representative should be appointed to speak. No decisions can be taken during the public session. Please see the Parish Council Standing Orders for more information.
Contact Information
Hinstock Parish Council
- 01948 841945
Find Hinstock Parish Council
Memorial Hall
Hinstock Market Drayton